The Beginning: Flag-Works 20 Years Ago

Flag-Works LogoFlag-Works has come a long way since its inception 20 years ago, but its the people we have serviced that really made Flag-Works grow into a successful business.  When I first purchase a room full of flags, I started selling them from the trunk of my car. The idea was to stop where ever I saw a faded or torn American flag and provide them with a replacement on the spot.  Well  my first stop, of course, was someone I knew.

That stop was at the time T&T Power, he purchase 4×6′ nylon American flag with sewn stripes and embroidered stars.  My firsts sale.  Thank you Bill.  Since then T&T power has successfully grown into a multi million dollar business now known at North Country Tractor Supply doing business selling John Deere tractors in Concord NH, Dover NH, Ossippi NH, Sanford Me.  Congratulation on your great success.

Okay, that sale was a setup.  Not the next one. I went 300 yards down the road, and saw two big  faded flags at Merriam Graves gas supply.  I walked in and sold them a 5×8′ US flag with sewn stripes and embroidered stars and a 5×8′ state of New Hampshire flag.  I then went out and lowered their faded flags and installed the new ones. Merriam Graves is now Airgas with multiple locations through out the area.  They are still a customer and we wish them well on their continued success.

I continued to travel the surrounding area knocking on doors and selling flags.

My first location was on the Second floor office above Bitz and Bytes computer.  A friend and I soon determined that I needed a location that was visible from the street and had windows.  That location,

202-204 South Main circa 2001

202-204 South Main circa 2001

204 South Main St. Concord NH, was conveniently located next to Vinnies Pizza (great pizza), which had plenty of parking and visibility.  However, I soon out grew that space, and added the location beside me. I was growing, sales in American Flags and decorative flags was brisk.

Fortunatly, I saw that custom flags should be a larger part of my work.  That happened.  We soon grew into on of the premiere custom applique manufacture in the country.  I’m not going to list them here but I will be creating a larger gallery on my website for them. To name a few, Raytheon, New Jersey Net, Post Cereals, Roger Williams University Etc.   Below are  index cards of our past customers flags.   More later.


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