The last time Flag-Works put out a catalog was in 2007-2008 our first catalog was produced in 1997. If you still have one you will be happy to know that we have decided to make a new catalog for 2013. First we are going to edit the prices of the old catalog. When each page is done it will be posted here on Flag-Works blog. Once all the prices are corrected we will add new items and spice up the catalog. We will be looking for ideas on a cover photo. If you have any pictures you may want to submit them to Thank you. This is page two Flag-Works 2013 Catalog page2 and three Flag-Works 2013 Catalog page3 of our American flag page.
US Army Infantry Guidon the True Size
A finished Infantry guidon is displayed here. This is a double sided read correct guidon. The guidon is made to military specifications. After our customer orders a guidion and informs us to what company and other information is to be on the guidon we send them a proof. The proof (click link) FW INFANTRY01 that our customer receives prior to Flag-Works making their Infantry guidon. The proof shows both sides of the guidon, this guarantees that the guidon will look exactly as required which is letters and numbers read correct on both sides and the insignia is single reverse.
The size of a guidon is determined by Institute of Heraldry, Departartment of the Army, Base drawing for US Army and US Air force Guidons 5-1-4 Revised 12 November 2002. Description states: A guidon is a swallow-tailed unit marker, 20-inch hoist by a 27 3/4-inch fly, the swallow-tail end forked 10 inches. Fringe is not used on guidons. Following the above guidelines insures that a Flag-Works guidon is made to Military specification and to the customers needs. Please note that the Army regulations 840-10 and wikipedia states a guidon dimension is 20″ x 27″. They are both in error. The above information is straight from the Institute of Heraldry, today. A new revision will be coming out to correct the Army Regs. The schematic drawings that we use to make the guidons were never changed to 27″ and never will be. Be careful you can’t always believe what you read. Ha, now do you believe me? If you would like proof please leave a comment and I will send you a copy of the schematic for the guidons.
New Open Flag Designs
We have just added two more designs to our growing list of business open flags. I think these two designs will help round out our current collection.
These flags are 28″x 40″ and are printed on a durable poly-nylon blended fabric. They are fade resistant and colorfast. As always as new designs come available we will show case them here. Open flags are one of the most important promotions that a new or old business can successfully accomplish for very little money. The flag not only says that you are open but in moves in various ways to say, Look! Look at Me! Over here! We are Open! What other media can do that for under $30.00. Remember Flag-Works flags ship free. Check out our American flags they are the lowest on the internet.
New Solar Lights
Its the Super Brite Solar Light that outshines the Liberty Light. This light will eliminate the need to raise and lower your flag in the morning and evening. No more walking through slippery snow and ice to raise and lower your flag. The Super Brite Solar light has 4 led’s for superior illumination of your American flag. The light can be purchased as a flagpole light for on the pole, staked in the ground or mounted to a building or sign frame. Check out all of your solar light options from Flag-Works over America.
*According to the United States Code, Title 4, Chapter 1 – The Flag
(a.) It is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed twenty-four hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.
Patrick Page
Flag-Works over America
The Irish Flag
Well, were coming up on another St. Patrick’s Day and everyone is thinking green. Of course I think of flags. The two most popular Irish flags are the national flag of Ireland and the Erin go Bragh. Both are displayed for St. Patrick’s Day. Erin Go Bragh is a Gaelic phrase used to express allegiance to Ireland. It is most often translated as “Ireland Forever” The national flag of Ireland or tricolor, is described with meanings of each color as being that of green representing the Gaelic tradition of Ireland, orange representing the followers of William of Orange in Ireland, and white representing the aspiration for peace between them.
These flags are both made using 200 denier outdoor nylon. The national flag is available in most sizes from 4″x 6″, 12″ x 18″, 2′ x 3′, 3′ x 5′ 4′ x 6′ 5′ x 8′ and 6′ x 10′. The Erin Go Bragh is slightly limited in were it is only available in 4″x 6″, 2′ x 3′, 3′ x 5′. 4′ x 6′ and 5′ x 8′. If you need a larger flag we can custom make it. Please keep us in mind for all your American flag needs.
Inexpensive Military Flags
Flag-Works flags are made in the United States of America. However, after so many requests for the “Cheap” military flags that plaque the market. We here at Flag-Works have decided to listen to our customers and provide what they ask for. So we now stock some of the imported military flags such as the marine bulldog and the special forces. Please understand that these flags are not made in America. However, they do have images that people want. So visit cheap military flags and see if you like any of the designs.
A Flag Waving Merry Christmas
Thought I would celebrate Christmas with a little poem. I hope you all like it. Comments would be appreciated. I can take it.
look at it wave
stand stout
this is why
the flag is flying for all
it flies for you
no double talk here
either you believe or you don’t
the flag is flying for all
it flies even if your sleeping
and when your awake
the flag flies whether you been bad or good
but lets be good for all’s sake
Oh lets look out
this is not the time to cry
no whining here
this is why
the flag is flying for all
the flag is flying for all
Patrick Pageflagman
The World Flag
The World Flag is a vibrant and stunning flag which includes flag images from every country of the world and more. The world flag is a unifying symbol inspiring positive global change. The flag embraces and celebrates cultural diversity. The flag also helps to raise awareness in education, human rights, world health and the environment.
The world flag organization says “The World Flag was created as a Visual Catalyst. It fly’s a unifying symbol inspiring positive global change while continuing to embrace and celebrate cultural diversity.”
We stock the World flag in 3ft x 5ft in nylon. Get yours today!
Flag-Works also has all of the country flags available.
What Size American Flag, 5×8′?
If you want to fly a 5′ x 8′ American flag there are a few things you must consider. First, what size pole would accommodate a flag that is 40 sq ft.?
This is a 25′ flagpole with 5×8 American flag flying. Use the guideline that the length of the flag should be from 1/4th to 1/3rd the height of the flagpole. (See flag size chart.) This would make the appropriate flagpole either a 25′ or a 30′ flagpole. OK, now if you are considering flying two flags on your 25′ flagpole you need to take in consideration that 40 sq ft is what is recommended. So if you want a second flag you should use a 4′ x 6′ and a 3′ x 5′ (24 sq ft + 15 sq ft = 39 sq ft) flag combination. This scenario removes the 5′ x 8′ American flag from the 25′ flagpole. So, if you want to fly two flags and retain the 5′ x 8′ American flag size you would need a 30′ flagpole. This pole allows for a 5′ x 8′ or a 6′ x 10′ American flag, or 60 sq ft. This would then allow for a 5′ x 8′ American flag and a 4′ x 6′ state flag, 40 sq ft X 24 sq ft = 64 sq ft. One more item to consider is the strength of you flagpole. If the pole is a new one piece aluminum flagpole or a one piece fiberglass flagpole then no worries, but if the pole is old, thin, or decaying you should consider flying smaller flags. With this knowledge choose how many flags you will be flying and your flagpole size, then get out and hoist some flags.
Common size range chart
15’ 2’x3′ – 3’x5’
20’ 3’x5 ’- 4’x6’
25’ 4’x6’ – 5’x8’
30’ 5’x8’ – 6’x10’
35’ 6’x10’ – 8’x12’
40’ 6’x10’ – 10’x15’
45’ 8’x12’ – 10’x15’
50’ 10’x15’ -12’x18’
60’ 10’x15’- 15’x25’
70’ 12’x18’ – 20’x 30’
80’ 15’x25’- 20’x38’
90’ 15’x25’ -20’x38’
100’ 15’x25’ -30’ X 60’
Hotel Flags
To all the Hotels, Inns and Suites, we would like to be your supplier for hotel flags, American flags and state flags. We have many styles and various sizes in stock. The flags of major family’s of hotel company’s such as Marriott, Hyatt, Intercontinental (Holiday Inn), Choice and Hilton to name a few, are in stock or are ready to be made. Most flags come in sizes 3×5′, 4×6′ and 5×8′ but some hotels want them up to 10’x15′. We can also applique or dye your hotel logo or any promotion onto nylon making any size flag you desire.
To help you see things our way we would like to present you with a special price. Visit Flag-Works over America today! Special! Order all three, a hotel flag, an American flag and a state flag and receive 10% off those flags.