Our Flag

Our flag is a very special flag, it shows that we are American.  It has 13 stripes and fifty stars.  Along time ago people have only discovered 13 states.  So they made a flag that had 13 stripes and 13 stars. As they adopted new states, they kept making new flags.  For every state they adopted they added a star.  Soon enough there were 50 stars on the flag. The flag still had 13 stripes.  It stayed that way for the original 13 states.

Liberty D. Page

age 9

50 Stars

Red, white, and blue is what we love. The flag is like it is running for our freedom.  It makes the noise that tops all the other beautiful  noises.  50 is my favorite number and I am proud.

Lexington P. O. Page

My Son Age 7

Custom Grave Markers

Custom Bronze Grave Marker

6" Oval 95th Infantry Division Marker custom grave marker

We have been providing many people and organizations with plastic and bronze grave markers over the years.  We are now able to offer custom bronze grave makers.  Whether you need one or hundreds we can get them for you.  The picture shows our newest custom grave marker which was made for the 9th Infantry. The 6″ Oval 95th Infantry Division Marker with Rod cost a little over $200 which is a fitting tribute to all whom served and are serving in that division.  Do you have an idea for a custom marker let us know we can get it done for you.

48 Star American Flag

I was just given a forty eight star (48) American flag by my wife.  I think it is beautiful.

48 star wool american flag

48 Star Wool Flag

The flag which belonged to her grandfather, Paul Woody, was given to her by her father, Ned Woody.  Her grandfather did not fly the flag on a flagpole. Instead he flew the flag in the window to show patriotism during World War II.  This agrees with the fact that there is no wear at the fly end.

The flag is made using wool as many old flags were. The stripes are sewn and the stars are appliqued (sewn)

Applique Star Closeup

Applique Star


As you can see many holes perforate this flag (I guess they didn’t use inhibitors back then).

Holes in American flag

Holes in American flag





The label is Washington Wool.

48 Washington Wool

Washington Wool Label

If anyone knows if this was a company or just a label for the material please shoot me an email I would love to know.

PS  We can make any American flag with any size star field in nylon or cotton.  Sorry no wool.



The Spinning Pole

There have been many updates in the flag industry, but one stands out.

For as long as flags have been flying on house mounted flagpoles, they have gotten wrapped around the pole.  This is called being “furled.”  Many items try to negate this unsightely display of the American flag: the pole sleeve flag, the unwrapper tube and the neverfurl. They all accomplished the job of keeping the flag unfurled, but none has succeded as easily as the spinning pole has. It’s simple.  Attach the flag and let it fly free.  The spinning pole has made the un-wrapper tube and the never-furl obsolete.

What makes it so simple?  The pole is actually two pieces of aluminum tube that screw together.

One piece has ball bearings in it allowing the top tube to spin.  This spinning keeps the flag from wrapping.  Simple. The  Spinning pole video shows how a flag just spins free. (I don’t know how to rotate the video)

100 Mile Run

This is a poem I wrote for my cousin after she finished her first (of many) 100 mile run.  The run took place in Vermont at the Vermont one hundred miler.



Morning dark, stomach fluttering awaiting the gun
Start, I’m here, I can do it, Bang! It’s just begun
Light in hand up hill and down
Just beginning, hours to go, I won’t fall down


Aid stations pass 3, 5, and 9, with many more in due time
Continue on, forever the flow, as other runners go
Stage road aid, friends abound, one marathon down
Up hill and down, sometimes I put on a frown


Thoughts running too, I think I’ll sing
A happy song, eliminating my feet’s sting
Camp 10 bear for the first time
Heat on my mind, will I make it on time


Runners come, walkers go, one foot more, I’m gonna go
This I must, do it all, 100 miles, that is all
At 10 Bear two, I complete sixty eight point two
I’m on my way, to make a hundred, this day


Night comes on, but Gilly’s my light
The G.A.C. has entered the fight
As we run and hobble on, just in time to turn it on
Green lights line the bend, I’m all a glow, it’s gonna end


Finish nears with friends I hear, aunt, cousin, daughters ever so near
The moment, why, they’re all here, it’s almost time to enter in cheer
Complete this day they all have come, to see Vicki and
Her one hundred mile run, outcome


Patrick J. Page

Texas State Flag

The Lone Star state is the only state that has flags in size 30′ x 60′ ready to go.  This goes right along with the saying everything is bigger in Texas.   At one time, Spain, France, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the Confederacy and the United States have all flown flags over Texas. They encompass the six flags of Texas.  The Texas flag itself, consists of 

Texas flag

The Lone Star

a large white star that was first used on flags carried by Texas during the Texas Revolution against Mexico in the 1830s.  It is thought that the star comes from the Bonnie Blue Flag used in 1810 by the Settlers in West Florida. An official flag with this star was chosen in 1839, although during the Civil War, the Confederate flag was flown.  The flag’s color blue stands for loyalty, white for purity and red for bravery.

Texas State Flag Adopted:  1839

The 28th state, admitted 1845

The Blue Service-Star Banner

What are those banners with the star in the middle that I see in windows?

Designed in 1917, by World War One Army Captain Robert Service Star BannerQuessner, the in service star banner is traditionally hung in the window of the home of a person who has a family member currently serving in the United States Military.  That person can be a son, daughter, wife, husband, etc.  The blue star represents one family member currently in service; a gold star on a banner represents a family member who was killed during service.  Seeing these banners today in windows of homes reminds everyone of us that war is not something that happens overseas on far-away lands, but is something that affects every street and neighborhood in our country.  Banner is 8″x15″ with crossbar and a gold cord and tassel.  The service star is also available in a 3×5′ flag.

What Size Residential Flagpole

What size flagpole should I install at my home?

Fiberglass flagpole

Northwood Little League

It depends, most residential flagpoles are between 20′ and 30′ and made of either aluminum or fiberglass.  The height of the home and the location helps in determining the right size.   When the flagpole will be located near the home be sure the flag won’t fly too far above the roof, otherwise the flagpole isn’t really seen as a part of the landscape.  If you took a picture of your home from the driveway entrance, the complete pole and flag should be seen in the photograph.  When a flagpole is installed in it’s own area such as a field or garden, any height goes.  The decision is usually determined by your pocketbook and how large of a statement you’d like to make.  A 40′ white fiberglass flagpole with a 10’x15′ American flag, surrounded by colorful flowers makes a beautiful display and says a lot.


History of the POW/MIA Flag

In 1971 Mrs. Michael Hoff, an MIA wife and member of the National League of Families, saw the need for a symbol of our POW/MIAs.  Mrs. Hoff found Mr. Rivkees, Vice President of Annin & company, who felt sympathetic and along with Annin’s advertising agency designed a  custom flag

POW/MIA flag


to represent our missing men.  After receiving the League’s approval the flags were manufactured for distribution. Other than “Old Glory“, the League’s POW/MIA flag is the only flag ever to fly over the White House.