U.S. Commerce Association’s Award Plaque Honors the Achievement
NEW YORK, NY, October 21, 2011 – Flag-Works has been selected for the 2011 Best of Concord Award in the Flags, Flagpoles & Accessories category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA).
The USCA “Best of Local Business” Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country. Each year, the USCA identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and community.
Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2011 USCA Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the USCA and data provided by third parties.
About U.S. Commerce Association (USCA)
U.S. Commerce Association (USCA) is a New York City based organization funded by local businesses operating in towns, large and small, across America. The purpose of USCA is to promote local business through public relations, marketing and advertising.
The USCA was established to recognize the best of local businesses in their community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations, chambers of commerce and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to be an advocate for small and medium size businesses and business entrepreneurs across America.
The New England Patriots are going to the Super bowl. There they will meet the New York Giants, the winner of their last match up at the 2008 super bowl. An exciting rematch of two great teams. Tom Brady commanding the New England offense against Eli Manning and his Giants, an aerial battle of huge proportions. Flags will be blowing in the wind showing pride in either team while footballs will be soaring for many yards and touchdowns. Both team’s runners will pound the turf fighting for every yard. Kickers will be extending their limits searching for the uprights. In the end, only one flag will be flying in triumph as the winner of super bowl XLVI
September is usually a quiet time at our flag store. Summer is over and anyone needing to replace a faded flag or who had dreams of adding a flagpole to their yard had already done so. In 2001 my husband, Patrick, and I had just been married so it was a great time for us. We had casual days at the store and plenty of time in the evenings to do some work around our new home. Life was good.
I remember driving into work the morning of September 11th and hearing on the radio about a plane hitting the World Trade Center. I had a feeling of uneasiness about the whole thing because it just seemed so odd. I couldn’t wait to get into the store and tell Patrick, who had left before me that morning to run some errands. I arrived and Patrick had already heard the news. As I was opening the retail portion of the store I heard on the radio about the second plane hitting the World Trade Center. I got a sick feeling in my body. I ran into the back of the store to tell my husband and we both sat down for a minute to think about what all of this meant. Patrick went out to get a small TV so we could be aware of what was going on and get up-to-date new reports. We then heard of the Pentagon also being attacked. What was happening was surreal.
It was quiet in the store and the City of Concord became still. We had no customers come in or call. We sat glued to the TV still unaware of what our role in this tragedy would be. A few hours later our retail doorbell rang and we had a customer come into the store. A woman, distraught and crying, came in and said she needed an American flag. She couldn’t believe this was happening to our country. I didn’t know how to comfort her because I needed comforting myself. As Americans we all needed some comforting. She left with her flag seeming somewhat stronger than when she came in. I will never forget my interaction with her and the renewed patriotism that was about to sweep the country. For Flag-Works, she was just the beginning. Within an hour, we had a line in the store and out the door. Patrick and I weren’t quite sure how to handle the crowds. People came into the store to choose a flag then proceeded to the end of the line, even if it was outside our door. There was no time for policing or mistrust on our part. People were coming in as Americans and we had to trust that they acted in good faith. Our phone, too, was ringing off the hook with people trying to place orders to be shipped. Our large catalog and flag internet business was distracting us from helping those in front of us, the people of Concord. With a limited supply of flags in stock we decided it was most important for us to take care of Concord first. We put a message on our answering machine and on our website telling people we weren’t currently able to take phone or internet orders.
For 5 days the routine stayed the same. Arrive at the store 1 hr before we opened (there would already be a line outside the door by then) and stay through until the evening hours, working straight through. We would leave to go home and feed our dogs, grab a quick bite to eat and head back in to clean the store and get re-stocked for the next day. When we finally arrived home late at night we would watch the news (at this point we had no time for our in-store TV) to see the day’s developments and hopefully get a few hours sleep. Our honeymoon period was most certainly over! We brought in extra help and tried to order as many flags from our manufacturers as we could. You see, it was off season for them too so there weren’t many flags in the warehouses to go out. In our store the line remained long yet people waited. It was interesting to watch what happened between people, some with a 30-45 minute wait, to purchase their flag. After completing their purchase, many would exchange hugs or handshakes with those next to them in line that they got to know. It was truly amazing to see what happens when people stand together as Americans. There were no differences between us, we were all Americans and that is what mattered.
After about 5 days we ran out of flags. For that matter we ran out of anything red, white and blue! We put signs on the door saying we were out but people still stopped in to see for themselves. When our first re-stocking truckload arrived a few days later word got out quickly. Local radio stations picked up on it and made an announcement that we had just received a shipment. This continued every time we ran out, which was every couple of days. Many times people would be waiting by our door and when a truck pulled up with more flags, they’d help us unload. It wasn’t just Flag-Works that was out of flags, there was a national shortage. With only 2 embroidery houses in the entire US making star fields for flags, the flag manufacturers couldn’t keep up with the demand. This cycle continued for months.
The show of patriotism on and after September 11th was remarkable. There were American Flags flying everywhere. We united together as a country using our flag as a show of unity. Since that time, flags have faded and so has the show of patriotism. Everyone seems to have gotten back to putting their differences first. I hope that this September 11th we all remember the feeling we had 10 years ago as a united country. Sure, there will always be differences among us, that’s what makes this country so great. It’s the place of importance that we put those differences that makes or breaks our strength as a country.
The earliest known flag of 13 stars and 13 stripes is the one which flew over the Battle of Bennington in August of 1777, by the Vermont Militia, fortunately, it is still preserved today in the museum at Bennington, Vermont. as in many other flags from that era, the Bennington flag has unexpected differences from the flag we love today. The first flag law did not indicate exact details of colors, proportions, star arrangement, etc. Since all flags were made by hand, each flag was more or less different from all others. No one today knows why the figure 76 was added in the canton. While the stars have have 7 points, other Revolutionary flag’ stars vary from 4 to 8 points. The first Stars and Stripes to lead American armed forces on land.
Our authentic historical reproductions of flags from American history are popular with collectors or as part of patriotic displays. The historical flags are manufactured with the same high quality outdoor construction as our state and international flags. All historical flags are 3×5′ or as marked. Larger historical flag sizes and designs are available upon request as a custom flag.
Military guidons are one of Flag-Works over America specialties. We’ve been making them for military units throughout the world for over 15 years. We find that once a unit purchases a guidon from us, the rest of the units around them order a Flag-Works guidon too. Why? We use a double background (two pieces of fabric) and all of our guidons are made to military specifications. This requires that the insignia be sewn through the background material, single reverse, and the numbers/letters read correct on both sides. All of our guidons are custom made, and require a proof approved by the customer. This assures customer satisfaction and a correctly made guidon the first time.
(Flash altered color- background color is maroon)
Flag-Works doesn’t use a patch to sew on letters and numbers. We sew them directly onto the fabric. This affords a quality unsurpassed by any other guidon. Next time you see a double background guidon ask where the unit got it made, they will probably respond with Flag-Works over America.
Attention Attention Attention
Your American Flag deserves your attention. Watch the corners of the “fly end” for the first signs of wear. Trim off the worn hem and re-hem the end. It’s perfectly proper, and when done promptly and can extend the life of your flag.
High Winds (80 on the highway is breaking the speed limit)
When your flag is flown in high winds something has to give. Common sense should tell you your flag is working to hard. Take your flag inside. Also, wind velocity is higher at the top of your flagpole. Rain Rain Go Away
The added weight of moisture causes the flag to snap harder and wear out sooner.
High winds and rain can beat some of the dye out of flag fabrics and cause color migration. This can happen to even the best of flags. (If your flag suffers color damage due to storm exposure, prompt washing in a mild detergent may remove the discoloration.) Time to Take a Bath
Keep your flags clean. Dirt is sharp it cuts fabrics, dulls colors and wears out your flag sooner. Most outdoor flags can be washed. Give your flag a bath in mild detergent and rinse thoroughly. Indoor flags and parade flags should be dry cleaned.
Don’t Wet the Bed
Never store your flag wet. Dry the flag by hanging it neatly and evenly to dry. Wet fold creases are hard to get out and dampness ruins fabrics and causes mildew. Of Rust and Care
Flagpole care and flag care go hand and hand. Rusty, pock marked poles chafe and tear flag fabrics and stitching. Rust scale can cause permanent stains. Please keep your flagpole in good condition.
Thanks to the now defunct Dettra Flag company for the above guidance.
It’s a flag and symbol instantly known around the world; here at home it’s known by names such
as The Star Spangled Banner, The Stars and Stripes, Old Glory, and Red, White and Blue. The
flag of the United States of America has for centuries been a symbol and rallying point for
The American national flag has an exact set of specifications as to how it is used, how and when
it is displayed, how it is folded when not in use, even how it is honorably destroyed when soiled
or tattered.
When amongst other, lesser flags, the flag is always displayed in the position of honor, either at
the top of a flagpole above other flags such as a state flag, in the most prominent position on
other displays, or, when hung alone vertically, so the field of stars is always in the upper left hand
The design concept of the modern flag was first adopted June 14, 1777, but at the time with a
field of 13 stars only, representing the original 13 colonies/states. Through the years, as each
state has been added to the nation, so has an additional star been added to the flag, with the flag
being officially modified 26 times since 1777. Enduring unchanged has been the 13 red and
white horizontal stripes, each representing one colony/state.
The flag has remained unchanged since July 4, 1960 when the 50th star was added representing
Hawaii. The current 50 star flag has been in service the longest period of time, followed by the
48 star flag which saw service during World War II, and was used for 47 years.
American flags come in all sizes, from tiny hand-held sizes to gigantic and majestic fortress
Flags are flown at half-staff to denote the mourning of prominent Americans.
When the flag is flown upside down, it indicates danger and is a call for immediate help.
There are a number of specific times the flag should be displayed, including New Year’s Day,
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, presidential inauguration day, Lincoln’s birthday,
Presidents’ Day, Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day (half-staff until noon), Flag Day,
Independence Day, labor Day, Constitution Day, Columbus Day, Navy Day, Veterans Day,
Thanksgiving Day, and other times as designated by the president.
Proper flag etiquette dictates the flag should never be used for commercial purposes or as part of
Military flags in the United States have a long and colorful history, and perform services well
beyond symbolism. Each branch of the military – Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps,
and Navy – all have distinct, individual flags, as well as a large assortment of identification
streamers and guidons. Beyond that are in-service banners and flags, as well as a special
POW/MIA flag and distinct Merchant Marine and Civilian Service flags.
Military flags are important parts of many ceremonies as well as somber events such as funerals.
Color guards often have joint displays of military flags, and there is a formal precedence of
placement. The national colors are first, followed by the flags of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy,
Air Force, and Coast Guard. The exception is any period when the Coast Guard is operating as
part of the Navy, then the Coast Guard flag precedes the Air Force flag.
The highest ranking officers in all parts of the military have personal flags denoting their rank,
thus the terms “flag officers” or “flag rank” for generals and admirals.
Through the centuries, there have also been battle flags and naval ensigns and battle ensigns.
Surprisingly, the official military flags in use today are the products of final designs in pre- and
post-World War II
Each of the 50 united states, along with territories such as Puerto Rico and the United States
Virgin Islands have separate and distinct flags.
Some state flags such as that of the Commonwealth of Virginia (Four states are officially
organized as commonwealths, not states: Virginia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Kentucky.)
have Latin mottos emblazoned on flags, others have mottos in English, some are just colorful
combinations. Every state – and commonwealth – has a flag which somehow reflects either
history of the state or is specifically representative of the state.
The dark blue Virginia flag has the round state seal in the middle, with the Latin motto “Sic
semper tyrannis” at the bottom, which translates to “Thus Always to Tyrants,” and the figure in
the seal shows triumph over a defeated king. The flag was adopted by the Virginia legislature in
January of 1861, three months before seceding from the Union in April of 1861 at the beginning
of the Civil War.
It took the state of Arizona five years to create an official flag after statehood was awarded in
1912. In 1917, a flag with a dark blue bottom, a large copper colored star in the middle, and 13
bands suggesting rays of sunshine was chosen, making the Arizona flag one of the most unique
and colorful of the state flags.
Even though all of the original 13 colonies which later formed the United States of America were
British colonies, Hawaii, the last state to join the Union in August of 1959 is the only U.S. state
which incorporates the British Empire Union Flag into its design.
The flag was originally introduced in Hawaii in 1845 when the islands were under British
influence, but the various flags of Hawaii changed as control of the islands changed. When
statehood was attained in 1959, the 1845 design, which was subsequently re-adopted by the
Republic of Hawaii from 1894 to 1898, then used as a U.S. territorial flag from 1898 to 1959,
simply transitioned to the official state flag.
On display, state flags are always second to the national colors, but rank above flags of lesser
political subdivisions such as cities and counties. Flags of separate organizations, such as
universities, religions, or private organizations/companies also rank below state flags when on