Tag Archives: 6 n. main st

Flag-Works, Main Street, Back in Time

Flag-Works has been on Main St. Concord NH since 1996.

202-204 South Main St. Concord NH 2001

We first called main street home at 204 South Main St. This location was a building that at one time housed a laundry mat. (view to the left in the picture) While at 204 S. Main we expanded next door into 202 S. Main St. which housed a florist. (the entrance with the American flag above)

In 2002, we moved into our present location at 6 North Main St., the far side of the first white awning on the right, which previously was home to Annie’s book store and a cleaners.  We have two pictures of the 6 N. Main St. locations for your viewing pleasure. We hope you enjoy them any comments would be appreciated. We also have included a picture looking up Main Street from pleasant street present day.  We will also add pictures of the  coming construction (scheduled in Sept. 2013) and when main street is completed. For those who don’t know, Flag-Work’s is the building with the white awnings on the right.

Main St. looking North

In this newest picture taken today, Flag-Works is the building on the right with the blue awning.  The old pictures are courtesy of Concord’s New Front door.