Tag Archives: fiberg

The All American Flag Workout

I would like to outline a fitness regime that works with the American flag.


Low level workout consists of looking up a website on the internet, www.flag-works.com.  Then purchasing a flag and spinning pole that will attach to the side of your house.  OK, now rest for a couple of days until the American flag and flagpole arrive.  The next step is to open your package, install the flag bracket using a screwdriver, (lower level use a power drill) and hang up your flag.  Now rest,  your work out is done. Enjoy your flag!


Upper low level workout, Drive to Flag-Works over America buy an American flag set, drive home and install your flagpole as in the low level work out. Enjoy your flag!


Low Moderate workout consists of looking up a website on the internet, www.flag-works.com, purchasing a 20 flagpole Commander set for the front yard.  When the flagpole comes in dig a small hole. Mix and pour cement into the hole to install your ground sleeve. While the cement dries, rest.  The next day put your flagpole together and install it into the ground sleeve.  Then take out your flag and attach it to your rope and raise your brand new 3×5 American flag. Enjoy your flag!


Moderate workout consists of all of the above and the addition of raising the flag every morning and lowering and folding your American flag every evening.  When you feel you reached your exercise goal with this work out go to Flag-Works over America and order a Liberty light for your flagpole. The light will light your flag at night eliminating the need to raise and lower your flag.


The all American workout, This workout consists of driving to Flag-Works over America, buying a 25 fiberglass flagpole and a 5×8 American flag.  Assisting the owner in attaching the flagpole to the roof of your car and taking the flagpole home.  Once home you dig a 2.5 foot deep hole  by 15″ to 24″ wide (if you have not done any of the previous workouts please rest)  Now mix  from 4-6 bags of cement and install your ground sleeve. Rest and let the cement dry overnight. The next day install your flagpole in the sleeve and raise your flag. Enjoy your flag.


The all American maximum flagpole workout.  This workout consists of all the steps above and the addition of raising the flag every morning and lowering and folding your American flag every evening. When you feel you reached your exercise goal with this work out go to Flag-Works over America, order online, a Liberty light for your flagpole. The light will light your flag at night eliminating the need to raise and lower your flag.


In summary:  For a lot of you out there, the above workouts will never feel like a workout,  because of the pride you will exalt in having your very own American flag flying over your home.  For others it may be the beginning of a long healthy, and fit life.

